Founded: 1969
Sales: sales@pilotdiamondtools.ca
About Pilot Diamond Tools
Since being founded in 1969, Pilot Diamond Tools has forged a reputation as a supplier of world-class diamond products to the diamond drilling and construction industries. Business models and technology have changed over the years, but Pilot Diamond Tools core business values have not. Our commitment to quality, consistency and service has allowed us to build long term client relationships that are as solid as the rock our products help them drill through year after year.
In the increasingly competitive and volatile drilling market, we strive to provide stability. We want to help increase our customer's productivity and profitability by supplying quality products at a cost-effective price. This is evident in every product we produce. Our 50 years of experience, along with the knowledge and skill of our workforce, gives us a proven track-record as a leader in the diamond products manufacturing industry.